We are looking for volunteers to help the the art fair. All sales benefit ARTPUSH, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

See Art Fair Volunteer Positions Below
Exact times and some details may change slightly, we will do our best to keep everyone updated. Tasks may vary depending on what is actually needed that day. More details will be sent to you once you have confirmed.
Please email the role and shift you are interested in to:
* Coloring Contest Volunteers
Full Day 10-5:30pm | Shifts 10-3pm / 3-5:30pm) Volunteers still needed: 4 depending on shifts.

* Studio 23 Gallery Volunteers:
(Full Day 10-5:30pm | Shifts 10-3pm / 3-5:30pm)

* Beer & Wine Tent Volunteers: Morning & Afternoon Shifts
– Must be 21. (Shifts 10-2pm / 2-5:30pm) Volunteers still needed: 4 depending on shifts.

* Morning Traffic & Vendor Unloading Supervision:
(Shift 9-1pm) Volunteers still needed: 4

* Morning Set-Up:
(Shift 9-1pm) Volunteers still needed: 4

* Afternoon Clean-Up / Tear-Down:
(Shift 4-5:30pm) Volunteers still needed: 6

Additional roles we need help with! Assistant Volunteer Coordinator, Distributing Posters & Invites
Please email the role and shift you are interested in to:
Volunteer Perks

- Free coffee from Julies Coffee & Tea Garden, while it lasts! Thank You Julies!
- Every volunteer receives a lunch & drink ticket.
- The reward of knowing that you supported your artist community!
- Undying gratitude from ArtPush.org
- Gift Cards to Flax Art Supply & Design Oakland Store! https://flaxart.com